Sunday, July 20, 2008

had to blog about this.. haha.. i'm finally on facebook!!! -.- first impression was tt it was much better than friendster.. save for e fact tt friend searches weren't as good.. not as much details were given and e thumbnail is seriously too small for me to see if e person in e thumbnail is really someone i noe.. one thing tt perhaps i wanna mention about is e applications.. i think most of e people i noe have seriously lots of applications on their pages and i wonder just how many of those they really use..

anyway, e thing tt i really wanna blog about is this forum tt i found while searching for e presence of oneironaut groups on facebook.. seemed like there were no asians in both e facebook group tt i found and in e forum.. but tt's not e main point.. i had just discovered tt there are actually quite a number of oneironauts out there, or ppl who aspire to be one.. and oh ya.. just before i forget.. oneironauts are those who lucid dream.. from my research during e last week, i found tt there's actually quite a wealth of information on e topic of dream control.. and it's quite a pleasant surprise too..

looking through some of e threads in e forum, i think tt my level of competency is above average.. same goes for e variety and depth of stunts tt i've attempted.. many of e posts were insightful and quite a few were funny or provided fresh perspectives on certain stuff.. perhaps u might remember that i'm not very good at summoning things.. and this forumer came out with quite a wacky suggestion as to how about going around to it.. "reach in your pocket grab a pokeball and throw it and say "i choose you "" " then they will come out the ball" lol.. maybe i should try it some day..

and there was this forumer who had e same experience as me regarding e stoppage of time in his post in e thread Your top 5 lucid accomplishments? "Stop time. Can be tricky, as there are usual a few DCs who ignore you. The trick is to just ignore what they're doing until they stop. For example, if you're fighting them and then stop time, and they continue to attack you, just tell them that they can't do that because time has been stopped. They generally go "Oh," and freeze." Note: DC stands for dream construct.. or more simply put, characters in your dream..

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