haha.. so the first personality test (well sort of) tt i did after such a long time actually turned out to be quite a rubbish.. doesn't quite seem to be me tt it's describing..
was feeling a bit bo liao and went to google my nick.. ends up tt songluck seems to be quite a feminine name, having female counterparts in china and thailand.. on a side note, e thai counterpart actually looked quite nice.. lol..
turns out tt tty started playing ms again.. this time on D server.. and i thought tt it was laggy playing from down under.. well.. i personally haven played ms in ages (read: ~2 months).. might squeeze in some time next week, just to squeeze my way to the next level before parking him somewhere else to continue farming for my WA10 WG.. probably might be able to get it before e school starts next sem.. hopefully..
the time for exams has come again.. yeah.. let's not talk abt it yet.. haha..
was playing around a bit over lyrics no.5 and it seemed like i really need some long stretch of free time if i'm to come up with something decent.. and of course, e need to improve my chinese.. e words tt swim in my head just appeared to be those miserly few..
dreams had been quite interesting lately.. with 2 attempts at something tt i'm trying out.. was actually planning to do a dragonball type of chakra-surrounding/engulfing-your-body move.. or something like king of fighters' athena's ultimate.. e idea is tt e chakra in e dreams stem from e amount of will or control tt u have over yr dream.. and tt this will/dream control is materialised in e form of visible chakra..
and it turned out tt e move wasn't exactly wat i expected.. in e 1st try, i attempted to do e stunt while flying stationary.. in e end, it appeared tt simultaneously flying and executing e stunt proved difficult and i could not keep myself flying upright.. so in e 2nd try, i attempted e stunt in a dhalsim float-above-the-ground yoga position.. to only get my sub-conscious playing punk with me by throwing up random dream characters disturbing my concentration..
on hindsight, i thought tt e stunt might not actually be a good move.. because while executing it, i had to close my eyes and concentrate.. now tt doesn't make sense if i have to open my eyes and see for myself tt i had successfully executed it.. so i thought tt maybe a rasengan/chidori type of stunt might be a better alternative.. e idea remains e same tt i have to materialise my will into e form of visible chakra..
so much so for quite a bit of technicalities on my dreams.. come to think of it.. wat's another word for actually? darn.. even my english vocab are going green by recycling e words..
did an acronym in my previous presentation on dastel and rather amusingly, my groupmate took quite a serious interest in it's creative (*cough cough) use.. such tt e following informal group presentation she actually suggested using it again.. and it popped up again in her final individual presentation just last week, along with another classmate's.. haha.. i personally think tt presentations should be a bit more fun and differing from e normal, boring types.. anyway, i used a story in my final presentation as an attention getter, something which well, was a first in my class.. wonder how e tutor took to tt..
yay.. just realised tt this's quite a long post.. haven't been backing up my blog word file for a long time liao.. probably might want to do it soon.. in e hols.. and perhaps if i have e time to actually edit it into a form tt is compilable into a book.. a check with e file turns out tt i've not backed it up since aug 18 last year.. think e current blog would quite likely have increased to about 70k words from e previous 59,500..
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