Monday, June 13, 2005

Lyrics no. 2


望着湖上的涟漪 心中几许叹息
手上紧握着相机 双眼关闭
鼓起了勇气 我走向你

享受柳树的绿意 心中充满欢喜
沉醉于美景之际 晚宴完毕
清凉的空气 围绕着你

猜中了我的心意 脸蛋微露惊喜
从我那儿接获相机 左眼关闭
我俩合照里 我靠着你

拍下了 典礼的华丽 灯火的绚丽
月亮的亮丽 和你的美丽
却拍不到 心中的惋惜 黑夜的孤寂
无形的泪滴 在即的分离

与你不只有友谊 上演的情侣戏
至今已到第四季 不必再比
将爱情传递 我还爱你

看见了 你与你唯一 怀抱里相依
分享着甜蜜 离开了典礼
却看不到 我靠着墙壁 暗地里哭泣
对你的着迷 我无法抛弃


In a nutshell: this song talks about a graduation ceremony and in the first verse, mentions this guy, Z, who in the midst of the ceremony, gazes at a pond and relishes his memories of this girl... in the second verse, the song talks about this girl in question, A... the ceremony ends as the girl enjoys herself and groups of friends gather for a last get-together... in the third verse, another girl is mentioned... this other girl, B, managed to figure out the intention of the guy and helped the guy to take a photo with A... but beyond the great atmosphere of the ceremony and the night, the sad feelings of the guy laid hidden... in the fifth verse, the song mentions A's boyfriend, Y, and how Z was slower in proposing to A than Y... the ending verse talks about how at the end of the day, Z heart-achingly watches A and Y leave the ceremony, hand in hand...

Comments: a pretty long song and one of my other favourite song... very satisfactorily-written... inspiration is drawn from personal experiences...

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