Sunday, September 28, 2008

ahhh!!! i think the kennedy choir really made some nice covers of some of the most famous beatles songs (check out my english jukebox).. and e lead female singer really sounds nice!!! ahhh!!! ok.. i'm starting to act like tty.. lol.. anyway this other choir also did a decent cover of hey jude: Nomonas-Hey Jude-Choral Beatles

Friday, September 26, 2008

omg.. i managed to find one of my favourite rainy day songs at imeem.. lol.. given tt it's not a popular song by a not popular artiste, it was quite a surprise.. anyway some of u may noe wat song i'm talking abt already.. it's 等待雨停 by 陈毓芸.. so now my sidebar has become very long from e addition of 2 more jukeboxes.. haha.. anyway, let me noe if any of e songs are not sung by e original singers or if they're imcomplete and i'll go change them.. ps. there's quite a few nice chnl 8 drama theme songs in e chinese jukebox..

Thursday, September 25, 2008

added a jukebox on e sidebar and attempted to remove some unsightly blog template layout..

anyway, was reading this wikipedia article on hakka some time back.. quite a number of hakkas are/were famous (or infamous) revolutionaries/politicians/government officials.. these includes our very own Lee family (SM and PM), 邓小平, 孙中山, 宋氏三姐妹, 李登辉, 吕秀莲, 吴伯雄, Elizabeth Choy, Thaksin Shinawatra and former Cheif Justice 杨邦孝.. famous hakkas in other areas include Jimmy Choo, 张国荣, 周润发, 黎明, 陈小春, 曾志伟, 叶丽仪, 罗大佑, 曾国城, 黑人, 范文芳, 彭耀顺, 庄米雪, 谢韶光, 陈靓瑄, 李伟菘, 李偲菘, 巫启贤, 王光良, 黄品冠, 戴佩妮, 曹格 and 林丹.. haha.. i noe.. it's a very long list..

1 interesting fact as pointed out in e article was tt during e '80s and '90s, e 3 chinese-majority countries in e world were simultaneously led by hakkas.. (邓小平 for china, 李登辉 for taiwan and SM Lee for SG)

this leads to an interesting revelation for me.. tt SG is quite e odd ball out, being e other chinese-majority country tt's far flung from e chinese native land of china (together with e other chinese-majority country of taiwan).. i don't think there's another chinese-majority country in e world besides these 3 rite? tt's not to include hk and macau..

and yup, just in case u were wondering.. i'm a hakka.. lol..
haha ok.. so i'm not doing my stuff again.. was just browsing through the photos on liena's blog when i saw her convocation photos.. turns out tt she's a valedictorian for her school of chemical and biomedical engineering, just like emu.. not really surprising actually, considering tt she has been on e dean's list all this while and being e poster girl for her school..

but what really caught my eye, other than she having an audience with nathan himself (ya e president.. duh), is tt she's also e winner of the Lee Kuan Yew Gold Medal..

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

did a stunt 2 nights ago in my dreams.. managed to perform a jump (from e movie jumper) with a person in tow.. wondering if i can jump an entire building.. hmmm..

Sunday, September 21, 2008

just a little note to remind myself on e stuff to do for e recess week.. hopefully it'll be a fruitful one..

1.go through all 320 lect notes DONE!
2.go through all 304 tuts DONE! all 306 tuts through ACL Postponed to next fri
5.format desktop DONE!
6.update resume/careerfit DONE!
7.prepare my 3rd blog for 320 project DONE! on my hokkaido trip donkey months back Postponed up with bra Postponed a nice evening stroll DONE! 320 textbook Partly done
12.find 320 research papers Can't find
13.compose lyrics 7? Postponed

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

ok.. i think i'm damn free.. or rather i'm not doing stuff tt i'm supposed to be doing.. was searching for my olympiad questions and stumbled on a treasure cove of darn nostalgic items.. maybe i should just talk a bit about e olympiad questions tt i found.. looking at those questions, i wonder how i managed to do them back then (cos i don't think i can even do the majority of them now) and even get e accomplishments tt i got then.. -.-

anyway, among e nostalgic items tt i found were my pri school chinese booklet of good phrases to use, gunung rabong packing list, sec 3? bio tutor's (ms sia?) wedding invitation, ncc treasurer related items, inter-class debate apeaker notes (quite unbelievable tt i still kept those), chinese newspaper article for our 'o' level batch results, straits times forum letter sent in by yixiang, me and i-forgot-who, chinese essays throughout my sec school (didn't noe my chinese essays were so lousy), CCHS times, TJ times, sec 3? script for a musical performed by me, kian pok, jiun han, brandon and tty (maybe i can type e script here when i'm free), batik cloth tt i dyed for some arts lesson, JLPT application guide, y-i-should-go-to-cchs promotional notes (O.o), SAT related materials (curse e constant change of SAT requirements for uni back then), JC project work stuff (together with my speaker notes!), music scores/lyrics from our friendly cchs music teacher, cchs graduation songs' lyrics.. truly a walk down memory lane..

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

so.. was showing yw e olympiad question tt i was talking abt in e previous post.. following which he gave me some IQ questions, together with some other lame questions.. thought i might just wanna share it with u all..

1st up, e olympiad question from e previous post:

Question: How many squares are there?
This question was actually a question from e primary school mathematical olympiad 2000..

Problem 2:

Question: With one straight line, divide the figure above into 2 portions of equal area.
This question was adapted from (i forgot wat was e original figure) e same olympiad 2000 and was e last question in part A of e competition..

Below are the questions posed by yw:

Problem 3: There is a wonder tree which inceases in height by twice per day ie. it may be 1m tall on day 1, 2m tall on day 2 etc. On day 100, it would have reached its maximum height.
Question: On which day was the tree half of it's maximum height?

Problem 4: There is this boat at sea and it has a rope ladder that dangles from the boat into the sea. The distance between the rungs on the ladder is 1m. At low tide, 1 of the rung is submerged under water. At high tide, the water level surges by 2 meters.
Question: How many rungs are submerged under water during high tide?

Problem 5: There are 8 balls, of which 1 ball is of a different weight from the rest.
Question: You are provided with a weighing scale (similar to that of the astrological Libra sign or e one carried by Lady Justice). How can you identify the odd weighted ball with only 2 weighings?

Problem 6: There are 10 packets of 10 balls each. 9 of the packets are normal, containing balls that weigh 10g each. The remaining odd weighted packet contain balls that all weigh 11g each.
Question: You are provided with a bathroom scale (one that shows u, electonically, e weight). How can you identify the odd packet with only 1 weighing? You are allowed to tear open the packets.

Lame problem 7: You were tasked to investigate the deaths of Ah Ming and Ah Hua, whom you found lying in a pool of water, with broken shards of glass littered around. Upon reaching the crime scene, you faintly hear a cat meow.
Question: How did Ah Ming and Ah Hua die?

Additional problem 8 (by me): Solve 1 + 1/[1 + 1/[1 + 1/[1 + 1/[1 + ...]]]]
this is a favourite question of mine.. and yup, it's solvable.. u might actually want to write it down to see e question more properly.. this linear way of expressing e question may not be tt clear..

Additional problem 9:

Question: Similar to problem 2. With one straight line, divide the figure above into 2 portions of equal area. Total no. of squares: 18
Just realised tt question 2 was not well constructed as there are 2 solutions for it.. hopefully i've constucted problem 9 carefully enough such tt there is only 1 solution..
hmmm.. was at my cousin's place last sat for mooncake festivities and was browsing along her shelf of books when i picked up this book on primary school maths olympiad 2000 problems and solutions.. was quite fun going through e questions and kinda missing e days when i used to represent my school in it.. there was actually 1 particular question which i had only just managed to solve.. and i was like -.-''' y didn't i see it..

anyway, was kinda surprised to be reminded tt cher hao had won e 8th position, individual category for the '97 olympiad.. quite an achievement.. well, maybe since i'm sorta free now, i'll just start working on transferring my dream posts..

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Lyrics no. 6



看着那灰色的天 它正在为我们而哭泣
就连那寂寞背影 它也开始悄悄陪着你

是你的孩子气 是我的坏脾气
可你选择远离 而我选择放弃

看着那灰色的天 它正在为我们而哭泣
就连那寂寞背影 它也开始悄悄陪着你


In a nutshell: this song talks about a couple breaking up and wondering what has gone wrong in their relationship..

Comments: this set of lyrics was actually finished yesterday before i went to school, all in a span of 30 minutes.. suddenly had a melody in my head and wanted to fill it in with some lyrics.. but apparently it was only enough to last me for stanza 1.. considering tt it was completed in such a incredulously short time, i think it's probably a ok-ly done one.. pretty much like 相思豆女孩, there wasn't any real inspiration for this particular set of lyrics.. on a sidenote, i might just come up with lyrics in e future tt talks about all e different kinda break up scenes.. :p

Monday, September 01, 2008

just a quick post.. had updated some of my earlier posts.. considered tt i didn't have time to finish up my previous NDP post on e issue of emigration.. or rather i don't feel like it.. -.- cos i think to put forth a good argument, or at least a decent one, would require research of which i have no time..

anyway to put it in a nutshell, having travelled to a couple of countries with a rather decent duration in each (at least 1 week? lol), i think singapore is really still the best place to be.. listening to e arguments brought forth by ppl who have contemplated e thought of emigration, i realise tt sometimes they have yet to consider e entirety of factors tt are important.. like security (military or job), presence of natural disasters, tax system, estate issues, native citizens vs 2nd tier citizens (think PR), cultural differences, language differences, cost of living, quality of living, healthcare system, education system, freedom of expression, pension/CPF.. just to name a few.. quite often, only a few of these factors come into play as push factors, without consideration given to e other factors..

had my 304 presentation today.. disappointing would probably sum it up.. seemed tt my part had lacked quite some bit of substance..

well, i think i should start talking about something more uplifting.. lol.. tty and emu were commenting e other time tt my posts were sorta pessimistic.. so let's talk about my all time favourite topic: dreams!

think my lazyness (going back to sleep after a natural waking) has probably cost me to have an uncertain impression of e stuff tt i have dreamt about some days back.. and tt's not really good, considering tt i think i've conducted some important stuff in it.. as a background, there are certain things which lucid dreamers often look out for in their dreams to signal to them tt they are dreaming (these things are called dream signals, if i'm not wrong.. :p) some of these include:

1.yr hands look distorted, twisted.. basically they look weird
2.e clock face looks weird or e time on e clock didn't make sense
3.e light switch won't work

so in e dream tt i was talking about, i think i've done e normalization of 1. ie. to make my hands appear normal instead of weird.. i am less confident however, tt i successfully did e normalization for 2. i think i attempted, but failed.. haiz.. i guess tt would just mean tt i have to try them again in my next dream..

i would think tt e normalization of 3. would be pretty hard to perform.. considering tt i don't remember having experienced darkness/dim lighting conditions in my dreams before.. it'll probably be in e league of e dream dream in it's difficulty level (i hope i'm exaggerating though.. requiring 4 yrs to execute a stunt is not exactly fun)..

just yesterday e conditions were very good for me to take control of my dream but fate was to have my hp alarm wake me up.. darn.. -.-