Sunday, August 12, 2007

i guess y i decided to write up this post at this kinda hour is probably that i wanna keep a record of some interesting dream control stuff that i did in the holidays.. depending on how fast i type, i guess most likely i won't be touching much on other stuff..

so yup.. made some 1sts in my dream control.. there was this dream where i managed to hypnotise a group of people by just snapping my fingers.. and one interesting thing was that, probably following from wat happened in a controlled dream some dreams back, there was this person which was rebelious against my attempt to hypnotise.. i wonder why this kind of rebelious behaviour is starting to appear in my controlled dreams (although counting this in, it has only appeared twice so far..).. hmmm.. a deprovement in my dream control abilities? most probably my subconscious is trying to play punk with me by limiting the amount of full blown consciousness (or wat i like to term dream will - the will to control yr dream) tt i was using to control my dream..

there was this other dream which was quite intriguing in that it was sort of like a flying test.. lol.. yeah.. a test of my in-dream flying skills.. the flying terrain was a line of trees planted in a road divider.. and i was like trying to land and take off carefully from each tree branch as i maneuvered among the trees.. e tree branch were those kind tt were pretty thick though.. also had to, at the end of my controlled dream, land on a narrow pavement tt was beside this canal.. so this dream was different from e others in tt i had to exercise more control in my flight in that i actually had confined landing spaces.. quite a challenge, but it wasn't too tough for me.. oh yeah.. before i forget.. i actually did a mid-air back flip in this dream too.. quite fun.. but i guess e back flip experience could be enhanced if i could better visualise wat it was like looking at e world from a upside down point of view..

lastly, there was this other thing tt i did in my other dream.. must have been e most unusual/weirdest thing tt i've done (when u look at it from outside e context of e dream).. well, e thing was tt i converted everything in this shop in my dream to cost only $1.. i was shopping with someone in my dreams u see.. and i guess i must have had a flshback of something tt e person told me in real life to cause me to conjure up this weird move.. and er hmmm.. this was one move which i had no idea as to whether it was successful.. partly because i was more interested in making e person happy den to check out e success of my move.. -.-''' but my guess was tt it was a successful one though, looking at e person's expression after i had conjured up e move..

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