Thursday, June 28, 2007

so yup.. back from a long hiatus again.. this time round 2 months long.. think my recent posts have been quite depressing ones.. sorta going through a low period i guess..

i think my memory is getting more self selective.. choosing to remember only certain things and forgetting the others..

didn't join in the music13 lyrics composition competition in the end.. i think i'll put aside lyrics writing for the time being.. totally not in the mood and condition to come out with anything.. i guess it's really a lack of passion of things that have been making me bum around for quite some time.. not doing anything productive..

k.. maybe before this gets into yet another depressing post, i should change the subject.. watched the anime series fate stay night.. forgot where's e hyphen or slash in e title.. but hack.. anyway it's quite a ok anime to watch.. just that it strangely introduced more sexual elements towards the end of the series.. and i think that the additions were just plain out of the blue and uncalled for.. -.-

i guess jap animes never fail to contain pretty much creative elements and i was just wondering if i could incorporate anything from fate stay night into my dreams.. the idea of tracing is certainly interesting and may eventually solve my problem (read: inability) to summon objects in my dreams.. been flying in my dreams just a few days back.. feels quite nice to be able to do that again.. realised that my dream flights seem to be getting higher up and the method of flight changing.. was just flying at ~15-20 storeys high in my dream the other day.. and actually, strictly speaking, it's more of gliding than flying..

hmmm.. actually thought that i had quite some bit to write.. especially since i always do after a hiatus.. but it seems like i'm having a blogger's block now..

oh ok.. now i remember what i can type about.. just logged in to blogger and realised it (was typing on notepad all the while..)

got a few youtube vids which i think are quite nicely done.. although the one in the first link has quite some vulgarities in it.. funny vid nevertheless.. and oh yeah.. it has hokkien in it too.. the second one is done by the lao char bo who acted in jack neo's Just Follow Law..

k.. now i remember what else i can blog about.. my exam results.. but i guess i'll leave it to another day..

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