Friday, December 31, 2004

almost forgot about commenting on the title for this week...

really sad... so many ppl killed by the tsunamis... so many houses destroyed... haven't really had the chance to see many pictures and footage of the affected areas... first heard it on the 6.30 news on channel u on boxing dae... the death toll then was like 2k... and now it's 125k and still climbing... easily the greatest crisis after 9/11...

and it all happened so near to our country... comforted by the national and international effort to help out the countries affected... praying tt an epidemic doesn't spread and tt the death toll would stop climbing...
last dae of the year... time to look back at the past year? and have new resolutions for the new year? hmmm... seems like i've been pretty nostalgic on my blog to look at past events again for this post... as for resolutions... haha... dun think i managed to accomplish much... tt is if i had set any in the first place... haha...

was being a couch potato just now, watching the programmes shown for the last dae of channel u... feel tt they overdid the nostalgic part... ya... everybody's gonna go in diff paths after todae, ppl's gonna miss the nice shows (including me)... but they really overdid it... sorta getting sick of it, so came online....

sad to find tt i won't be seeing my 3 times senior on tv for quite some, if at all, on tv again... oh ya, i'm refering to evelyn tan or otherwise known as chen2 yu4 yun2... i'm sure i mentioned tt i attended the same pri (she went to cedar girls primary, which later merged with cedar boys primary to form cedar primary), same sec and same jc as her in some post far far back... find tt she resembles, in a couple of ways, someone whom i noe...

ahh!!! my right nose is sooo blocked... sianz... saw the weather forecast... 23-28C and raining just about every dae... now u noe why everybody's getting the flu...

my friend gave me this riddle yesterdae... let's see if you noe the answer...

There was this man who went to a shop to buy some stuff...
Man: 'How much does 1 cost?'
Owner: '$1'
Man: 'And how much does 12 cost?'
Owner: '$2'
Man 'And how much does 935 cost?'
Owner: '$3'

Question: What does the shop sell?

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

9 days, 198, 11848, 710880sec left of my teenage... ah!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Hi guys, now here am i blogging after so long of silence.... Well i came to blog because i was simply impressed and surprised with the high standard in song writing by my pal, Songyu.
The lyrics sound so poetic cos they rhyme... And mind you, it is not a simple thing to make sentences rhyme especially when one is writing in Chinese. You need extremely strong Chinese vocabulary to do that.
Seriously speaking, Songyu is already enough to awe and stand out among many young Singaporean Chinese, given their preposterous Chinese knowledge in this modern world (Haiz...) Hence, I give the rating of 8.5/10. By the way, Songyu, there one or two wrong words and the phrases are incorrect. Still, a very commendable effort and i can see another side of talent in you... :)
Hope you will become a great songwriter of many popular or award-winning hits in the future.

Saturday, December 25, 2004

haha... must i be thinking of someone when i wrote those lyrics? ^_^

Friday, December 24, 2004

wanted to try something new the other dae, so i tried to compose my own lyrics... maybe someone provide me with the tune? haha...

Lyrics no. 1


对你的爱恋 让我每天孤枕难眠
你微笑的脸 是我夜里梦中缠绵
当日的事件 是令人心酸的经验
若能到从前 一切回到初发地点


没有了依恋 不为昨天的事失眠
你可爱的脸 心田也再不暖绵绵
今日的事件 给我种全新的体验
离开了从前 有了新的出发地点


In a nutshell: this song talks about how, in the past, this guy liked this girl so deeply that he is saddened by the realisation that the girl is already attached and how he wished that time could backtrack... the song goes on to tell of how the guy has then moved on with his life...

Comments: one of the best-composed lyrics so far and one of my favourites... providing a melody for this song should be quite easy i suppose (not by me that is... lol...)... inspiration is pretty much drawn on personal experiences...

Lyrics Compilation

The following is a compilation of the lyrics i have composed so far:

Lyrics no. 12

原曲取之 Keira Knightley 所演唱的 Lost Stars

我和你 在这庞大宇宙旋转的星星
绕着你 地心吸引力将我拉近

背对着我望着的 是天体金星
原来我只是一个 路过小行星
微光确实不能 点亮这片夜空

是我吗 一个飘浮微不足道的星星
是我吧 怎么拉也拉不近你我距离

背对着我望着的 是天体金星
原来我只是一个 路过小行星
微光完全不能 点亮这片夜空


背对着我望着的 是天体金星
原来我只是一个 路过小行星
微光根本不能 点亮这片夜空
微光它不能 点亮你的夜空



感言:看完了电影Begin Again,但没有立刻觉得想把这首歌拿来加个中文歌词。是在冲凉时脑海出现了几段词,便决定试试看。原本想把天文学里的一些名词加进歌词里,虽然有一两个最终没得加入,但对于完成品在这方面的尝试有些成果,感觉还不错。选用Keira Knightley而非Adam Levine版的歌曲是因为觉得Adam Levine版太过商业化,而Keira Knightley版比较实在,比较能触动心里。

放眼未来:hmm.. 昨天坐地铁回家时,在想着如果自己能拍段MV会有多好。。 哈哈哈。。 做个梦也无妨。。 可能在我的梦里做个预先彩排也不错。。

Lyrics no. 11

原曲取之 Bob Dylan 原唱, Adele 翻唱, Farisha Ishak 再翻唱的 Make You Feel My Love

绵绵细雨 滑落我窗前
我不经意想起 你的脸
我俩隔着 遥远的距离

夜空灿烂哦 满天星闪耀
你是否也正在 想着我~
流星划过 这个宁静夜

昨日的 誓言牵系 你和我
坚持着我们 的信念
期盼着相见 的那一天
双手紧相扣 的那一天

哦~ 不管距离
有多远 我明了~
你就在 你就在 我的心里
哦宝贝你就在 我的心里

夜莺们鸣着 我俩的情歌
风诉着 丝丝的情意
花儿散发出 淡淡的甜蜜
就如你那 甜美的笑脸

哦~ 此时此刻
我深深明了 哦~
告诉我你 也在想着我~
正想着你的我 正想着你的我


歌词大纲:和原词一样以爱情为主,但所叙述的故事却完全不同。此词描述着一对情侣分隔两地,一方对另一方思念的表达。 夜深人静的晚上,一方想念着对方 - 对方的美与对方的好。



初次所听的是参加歌唱比赛The Final 1歌手Farisha Ishak所演绎的Make You Feel My Love,瞬间便喜欢上了这首歌与Farisha Ishak对此歌曲的改编。技巧到位,但不显炫耀,而且感情丰富,唱歌时充满灵魂。歌手长得不错当然也加了不少分。哈哈!言归正传,我在过后陆续听了其他人的版本,包括原唱与Adele的版本,但还是觉得他们在唱此歌时缺少了些什么。比较难想象的还是此歌如何从原唱的朽木般的演绎变成Farisha Ishak完美演绎的版本。


Lyrics no. 10












Lyrics no. 9

原曲取之 Olivia Ong 所演唱的 You and Me

















歌词大纲: 与原词相近的,此词叙述着一对年轻情侣望着眼前的一对俩老,羡慕着俩老的爱情依然如此甜蜜,但愿他们本身的爱情也能如此长久甜蜜。

感言: 偶然间在youtube看见Olivia演唱的歌曲You and Me,听到副歌时不自觉地把英语歌词翻译成中文。感觉上还蛮顺的,而且并不那么困难,于是便尝试着把其他的段落也翻译成了中文。当时蛮好奇的,还不知道是否存在着中文歌词的blues/jazz风格歌曲。有的话,听起来应该会很有意思吧。


另注:在改编的过程中,听到我妹唱着Olivia演唱的英语歌词版的《隐形的翅膀》,即Invisible Wings。听起来也是另一番滋味。

放眼未来: 若碰到适合的歌曲/歌词, 不排除再次接下类似的歌词改编挑战。

Lyrics no. 8


望着陌生的美丽 心中不禁惊喜
手中握着的笔记 停止传递
不可思议的 喜欢上你

享受开学的气息 心中充满欢喜
沉醉于欢乐之际 晨运完毕
清晰的空气 陪伴着你

猜中了我的心意 脸蛋几许讶异
从我那儿探取消息 左眼关闭
一眼瞬间里 我爱上你

别怀疑 笑容很甜蜜 没人能代替
我对你着迷 因你的亮丽
多愿意 希望在这里 时间能慢移
让我沉迷于 一见钟情的你


歌词大纲:正如词名《一见钟情》, 此词叙述着一见钟情那微妙的情境和那想把片刻化成永恒的渴望。



- 我一直以来都希望在每一个新的词中尝试新的东西,并且对于写一系列有关的歌词(即有上下词段,犹如书籍)颇感兴趣。

- 记得TTY之前常问我有关一见钟情此事和他是如何的不相信这现象。我想这词八多少能明确地形容一见钟情那微妙的情境吧。

- 也记得TTY说过他蛮喜欢一些作词者是如何能在不同词段中更改少量的词汇但表达出截然不同的意思与意境。所以我便想在应用《毕业典礼》的词构段落的同时,也尽量保持《毕业典礼》中的词句。







Lyrics no. 7







In a nutshell: this song talks about the different feelings experienced after break up..

Comments: this song is THE 1st song tt i've actually composed.. one tt actually has a melody.. and e inspiration came from nowhere while i was humming away in my shower.. all was completed in 2 hours.. well, e lyrics weren't long anyway.. but i'm not recording e song tonite yet.. so pray hard tt i don't forget the tune tml.. lol.. one point to note is tt e melody for e chorus seemed somewhat familiar.. and i'm not sure if it's from another song..

coincidentally, i was looking at lyrics 6 for formatting purposes and i realised tt lyrics 6 also touched on break up.. and it was perhaps a little strange tt my last comment for lyrics 6 turned out to be somewhat true..

on a sidenote, i was working on another set of lyrics.. one which i feel is quite important and something which i wanted to get out soon.. but tt has been left on e shelf for a while now and maybe when inspiration strikes again, i'll finish tt piece and post it up..

Lyrics no. 6



看着那灰色的天 它正在为我们而哭泣
就连那寂寞背影 它也开始悄悄陪着你

是你的孩子气 是我的坏脾气
可你选择远离 而我选择放弃

看着那灰色的天 它正在为我们而哭泣
就连那寂寞背影 它也开始悄悄陪着你


In a nutshell: this song talks about a couple breaking up and wondering what has gone wrong in their relationship..

Comments: this set of lyrics was actually finished yesterday before i went to school, all in a span of 30 minutes.. suddenly had a melody in my head and wanted to fill it in with some lyrics.. but apparently it was only enough to last me for stanza 1.. considering tt it was completed in such a incredulously short time, i think it's probably a ok-ly done one.. pretty much like 相思豆女孩, there wasn't any real inspiration for this particular set of lyrics.. on a sidenote, i might just come up with lyrics in e future tt talks about all e different kinda break up scenes.. :p

Lyrics no. 5


陈旧的照片 洒落在地面
回忆的碎片 我翻了几遍

明月挂天边 照着我心田
泪水在嘴边 我望着眼前

抛下所有厌倦 舍弃所有眷恋
我相信我能不再流连 往事那一篇
哪怕尘世再变迁 哪怕困惑多缠绵
我会惦着我脚尖 勇敢地向前

玉镜它不变 就如我理念
所有的演变 我当作历练


In a nutshell: this song talks about this girl who while looking back at her troubled past, is not daunted by it, but instead forges ahead.. a mentally strong person, she takes her life experiences as guides for her future path..

Comments: i remember e days when i stayed in blk 12.. yr story seemed to be typical of e ppl who lived in tt area.. a path tt is tough to walk, rough and undulating.. but with yr determination, u managed to get to where u are today.. really glad to have known u as a friend and i wish u all e best in yr future endeavours and i hope tt u'll be able to get watever u seek.. :)

Lyrics no. 4


等着他 骑着骏马 手握吉他 前来接她
乌黑的秀发 粉红的脸颊

她就是Cinderella 傻傻地等着人家
王子他不一定潇洒 也非完美无瑕

痴痴的Cinderella 等到花儿也谢啦
王子他不一定奢华 也非威猛高大

不要有任何牵挂 不管别人的闲话
可能眼前的他 才是你的最佳

等到他 骑着黑马 手握琵琶 前来接她
鲜红玫瑰花 肉麻的情话



In a nutshell: this song talks about this girl, cinderella, waiting for her prince charming to come... in the process, she did not accept any proposals from anyone else... but as the song goes, cinderella realises that the best guy for her may not be prince charming after all and she manages to find her own fairytale...

Comments: quite a simple song... i remember u once shared with me your views on boyfriends and marriages... and that's where the inspiration for this song came from... so are you still waiting for your prince charming or are you already attached? lol... and unintentionally, as i was writing the lyrics halfway through, i realised that the guy faintly resembled someone and i got reminded of an event some time back... haha... but i shall not say any further... anyway, wish u all the best in your studies and in your love life... muahaha... if you want the original hardcopy of the lyrics, u can get it from me the next time we meet...

Lyrics no. 3


相思豆女孩 已有很久没陪你望着那辽阔的大海
相思豆女孩 已有很久没依赖在你那温暖的情怀
还记得 我记得 当日的阴霾
你在树下徘徊 时不时还对着远处发呆

相思豆女孩 已有很久没陪你表演在校园的舞台
相思豆女孩 已有很久没依赖在我们之间的恋爱
还记得 我记得 你将头儿抬
再也无法忍耐 突然泪满脸向我扑过来

你的突如其来 把我给吓坏
心中不停的猜 你为何悲哀
笑容从我脸上离开 生活顿时乱了拍


现在你在国外 努力的抗癌
已有十个礼拜 我等你回来
(回来我俩一块儿 沙滩沙上踩)
陶醉于这个简单爱 我的相思豆女孩


In a nutshell: in the opening verse, this song talks about how this guy yearns to be with this girl and recollects what happened on a particular fateful day in the past... the song continues to say that the girl broke news to the guy that she has cancer and that the guy was shocked upon hearing the news... the guy chose to be optimistic and believed that everything would turn out fine... in the closing verse, the song mentions that the girl is now abroad, receiving treatment and that the guy would patiently wait for his beloved to return...

Comments: hmmm... not much comments really... lol... except that i didn't get my inspiration from anyone, including myself...

Lyrics no. 2


望着湖上的涟漪 心中几许叹息
手上紧握着相机 双眼关闭
鼓起了勇气 我走向你

享受柳树的绿意 心中充满欢喜
沉醉于美景之际 晚宴完毕
清凉的空气 围绕着你

猜中了我的心意 脸蛋微露惊喜
从我那儿接获相机 左眼关闭
我俩合照里 我靠着你

拍下了 典礼的华丽 灯火的绚丽
月亮的亮丽 和你的美丽
却拍不到 心中的惋惜 黑夜的孤寂
无形的泪滴 在即的分离

与你不只有友谊 上演的情侣戏
至今已到第四季 不必再比
将爱情传递 我还爱你

看见了 你与你唯一 怀抱里相依
分享着甜蜜 离开了典礼
却看不到 我靠着墙壁 暗地里哭泣
对你的着迷 我无法抛弃


In a nutshell: this song talks about a graduation ceremony and in the first verse, mentions this guy, Z, who in the midst of the ceremony, gazes at a pond and relishes his memories of this girl... in the second verse, the song talks about this girl in question, A... the ceremony ends as the girl enjoys herself and groups of friends gather for a last get-together... in the third verse, another girl is mentioned... this other girl, B, managed to figure out the intention of the guy and helped the guy to take a photo with A... but beyond the great atmosphere of the ceremony and the night, the sad feelings of the guy laid hidden... in the fifth verse, the song mentions A's boyfriend, Y, and how Z was slower in proposing to A than Y... the ending verse talks about how at the end of the day, Z heart-achingly watches A and Y leave the ceremony, hand in hand...

Comments: a pretty long song and one of my other favourite song... very satisfactorily-written... inspiration is drawn from personal experiences...

Lyrics no. 1


对你的爱恋 让我每天孤枕难眠
你微笑的脸 是我夜里梦中缠绵
当日的事件 是令人心酸的经验
若能到从前 一切回到初发地点


没有了依恋 不为昨天的事失眠
你可爱的脸 心田也再不暖绵绵
今日的事件 给我种全新的体验
离开了从前 有了新的出发地点


In a nutshell: this song talks about how, in the past, this guy liked this girl so deeply that he is saddened by the realisation that the girl is already attached and how he wished that time could backtrack... the song goes on to tell of how the guy has then moved on with his life...

Comments: one of the best-composed lyrics so far and one of my favourites... providing a melody for this song should be quite easy i suppose (not by me that is... lol...)... inspiration is pretty much drawn on personal experiences...

Thursday, December 23, 2004

as promised (to ju-zi)... some pictures from the last class outing... 'some'... haha... dun ask me y there is onli 2...

was looking forward to the class outing tt dae... so was pretty disappointed tt it turned out quite unexpectedly a semi-failure... 3 ppl forgot tt there was a class outing tt dae... conveniently forgot?

yes... the previous 'outings' were flops... utter flops too... but i sms-ed everyone onli a few daes b4 the outing to tell them the timing for the outing... nothing was mentioned about a cancelled outing... i'm sad... sad...

me, tty, bra and yixiang had lunch at parkway... and hoe hiong joined us when we finished our lunch... yixiang and xinyi then left cos both were tired out from the previous week... hh stayed on and we played lan at katong... the whole thing ended at around 5...

nothing better to do while waiting for the bus... whipped out my digital camera (actually my dad's) and started to play with it...

me... waiting for the bus to come...
some pictures tt i've been drawing for the past few months? i believe it's not a known fact to many of my friends (including tty and bra i suppose) tt i'm a recreational drawer... must admit tt it had been a long time since i previously last drew... aniway, found out tt the most diff part in drawing the comic characters (and i suppose other objects of interest) are in getting their eyes drawn correctly to potray the correct character's feeling to the viewer... v diff task...

thinking of moving on to drawing real people from photos... much inclined towards drawing the 3Justice class photo on an A4 sized paper... it would be a level of difficulty up and definitely give me a great sense of achievement if i were to successfully complete in drawing it... but tt would take quite some time to finish, by the looks of the training schedule...

all the characters below come from the comic naruto... give some comments about my drawings pls?

haku... a child born in a snowing village... a shinobi's tool...

hinata... shy admirer of naruto... the silent supporter behind the main character...

sakura... naruto's love and sasuke's admirer... determined young lady...

gaara... master user of the sand... distorted view of love...
Long holiday!!! Weeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! it's christmas time lo... time to go out with friends, go orchard to soak in the christmas festive season and just basically laze ard...

received a pleasant surprise when i saw an envelope on my desk as i walked into my room yesterdae (i booked out yesterdae...)... unfamiliar handwriting i thought... looked like a girl's handwriting too... well, i was right... quite an unexpected greeting card from her (not lynda)...

developed this habit lately of putting myself into another person's shoes and seriously thinking about wat tt person is thinking as he/she goes about doing his/her stuff... like when i'm in the train, i would sometimes look at other people and just wonder what is going on in their minds... sort of like trying to read another person's emotions through his eyes/body movements/conversations...

on other stuff: had feedback tt u all might not be able to see the pictures tt i posted here... aka they are seen as crosses... well, if right clicking on the cross and pressing 'show picture' does not help, u can still view them on ...

was watching a sun morn tv programme last week... saw this young girl (the one who won the green apple award at the recent star awards...)... wow... great stage command and display of confidence... i'm impressed...

i'm starting to wonder if i'll ever pass one week without having getting pissed off by other ppl's mannerisms... maybe i'm getting more easily irritated...

heard this weird announcement on the mrt todae... it went something like tt... 'dear passengers please kindly move towards the centre of the car...' ... car? isn't it supposed to be called the cabin? hmmm...

went to chinatown with bra and kien heng (whom i mentioned earlier in this blog... the guy whose gastures are gayish...) todae to buy some cheap cds... i bought 'Stefanie' (sun yan zi) and 'A-du chun2 qing2 ge1' (A-du)... the stef cd cost me $5.50 and the other, $7.50... cheap eh? original cd some more...

Saturday, December 18, 2004

hmmm... should be sleeping now, had a long week... not tt i did much... maybe tt's y it seemed long... listening to 93.3 as i think of wat to type...

oh ya... realised tt i was getting disgusted by other ppl's mannerisms... was at the ntuc at lot 1 the other dae...
scenario: housewive paying up for her stuff
cashier: do u have a member card?
housewive(speaking with an attitude tt matched her speech, if you get wat i mean? maybe not...): if i have, i would have given it to you...

not sure if you are lost at what i was typing up there... was really irked by her answer... well, she could have just said a plain, simple NO... eh? some singaporeans huh... *shakes head* and to think tt more was to come...

scenario: housewife leaves and next guy in queue pays up
cashier: sorry sir, the credit card scanner (or watever u call tt) is spoiled... you have to pay by cash...
man: (refuses to pay by cash and asks if other counter's scanners are also spoilt)
cashier: (goes over to the opposite counter to find tt the scanner is also spoilt there... comes back to man...) sorry sir, the scanners are down... you have to pay by cash...
*5mins have passed...*
man: (still insistent on paying by credit)
cashier: y don't you withdraw cash from the atm machine, so tt you can pay up? (points to atm machine tt's less than 5m away)
man: (got glue stuck on his feet aka still reluctant...)
cashier: (starts to fret abt how to deal with the man... approaches other cashiers for help... found out tt the scanner's connection was actually loose and hence assumed tt it was 'spoilt')
man: (finally got it done his way by paying by credit)

the whole saga lasted like 10min? and there i was next in queue after this man, with just 1 box of oreos tt i wanted to buy... for goodness sake! just wat the hell is wrong with paying in cash??? you just tell me... wth... i was so damn pissed off tt i almost volunteered to help pay up for tt guy... got credit card big f ah...

off to smth more positive... this bookout finally came... was so looking forward to it... cause of the class outing... dunnoe y, but i was feeling sky-highly positive and spiritual at the starting of the week (and still pretty positive for the remaining days...) just plain feeling crazily positive... positive abt wat? i also dunnoe...

just remembered seeing this article in the new paper... it reminded me just how crazy/stupid/inlogical/etc etc this world is... girl meet guy, both like each other, guy decides to marry girl, guy tell girl tt he is HIV-positive, girl decides nevertheless to marry guy... so far no big deal about the whole story...

then girl have sex with guy, fully knowing tt she might get HIV and not regretting her decision... girl gets HIV from guy...

wat absurdity is tt? and the reason tt the girl gave was tt she was happy tt the guy was honest with her abt his illness and tt she wanted to share his suffering... but share it by having sex with him and contacting HIV??? WOW!!! blow me away man... WHAT HAS THE WORLD COME TO???

Sunday, December 12, 2004

who on earth is this shuai4 ge1??? lol...

some old photo tt should be posted long ago... taken after the BMTC Passing-Out-Parade

me!!! also taken after the POP... too bad i had sore eye tt dae... didn't take part in the POP...

vroom!!! vroom!!! Black Beret Presentation Parade...

Saturday, December 11, 2004

updates, updates!!! sorted out the blog drop down list... deleted non-existent links and added new ones...

i noe i have been dragging it for so long liao... ah!!! finally decided to REALLY do an overhaul of my blog... thinking of bringing in a whole new refreshing look to it... u should be able to see the new blog b4 the end of the year... hopefully... :P *cross fingers* haha...

i managed to pass my SOC!!! yahooooooooo!!! clocked 10.13, then 9.42 to finally relieve myself of those sat RTs... next year dunnoe whether i can meet the passing timing of 9.30... jialat... but tt's stuff for me to worry abt only from next april onwards... so until then...

so the upgrading course has been postponed until next wk... guess the reason for the change must have been because of the LRI...

the week tt just passed was so uneventful... slacked max time... allowed me time to do some drawing... or rather copying, from my naruto comic book... did a copy of this picture here into my notebook:

my most diff drawing to date... had not much of a confidence at the beginning, but decided to carry on with it anyway... the end result was very satisfactory, much to my delight... also drew haku, hinata and sakura previously...

have been v annoyed lately by my platoon mates' extreme unwillingness to do things... well, at least it applies for the majority of them... any attempts to change the situation just equated to wasting kilojoules of energy spent in moving the lips...

i'm so happy~~~... at last i think we're gonna have a decent-sized 4jt class outing on the 19th dec... the response so far has been pretty positive (well, compared to the countless previous failed attempts, wat can i say...)... at least 7 ppl should be going for the outing... namely: me, tty, bradon, runyan, yixiang, xinyi, lynda... wenyan should be going... shiyun might be... and so is peiru...

have been having quite a number of dreams lately... long ones too... and somewat neutral-happy kind... talking about dreams, i'm thinking of creating another blog to catalog all the lucid dreams tt i can remember... got the idea from the guy tt i read about on the lucid institution website... planning to also do a write-up on dreams and dream control on tt new blog... will be part of my blog overhaul/revamp thingy...

guess tt's about all for now? oh yar... hey ju-zi and emu... if u 2 see this msg, realli hope u 2 can come to the outing... ju-zi: maybe u can take a leave on tt dae? or maybe u r not working now in the 1st place? emu: maybe u can join us for lunch... ya? realli putting in the effort to get as many ppl going as possible... ^_^
just a breakdown of who's where doing what now...

lynda, peiru, janice, wanjin: pharmacy
cynthia: bioengineering
wenyan: chemical engineering
jo anne: mechanical engineering
aiping: science
sirjana: biomedical science
vellachi: architecture

xinyi: business
szewan: engineering
yixiang, adelene: bioengineering

melissa: business
meiwen, yanfang: accountancy
meiju: psychology

weiyuan: biomedical technologies

Sunday, November 28, 2004

yes, yes... i haven blogged for sooooooooo long... and it's all course of my stupid internet problem... had trouble coming to my create post page... cause it the page always get hijecked by this internet optimiser thingy... anyway, been busy preparing my vehicle for Logistic Readiness Inspection (LRI) and trying to clear the SOC (ah!!!)... managed to come near to my personal best timing of 10.26 by running a 10.27... but tt's not enough!!! need to get a sub-ten timing... sianz...

going for a upgrading course in the upcoming week... should be a rather relaxed one (i hope...)... so wat happened during my absence here??? hmmm... played v little gunbound... think i sorta sick of it... giving myself a break from it... been playing pokemon gold lately... haha... kinda childish game, but it's fun... wat can i do? my com is not in the pink of health and the specifications are not good enough for me to play the games tt i wanna play...

ah!!! i want to just go straight to uni... rite here rite now... 2 1/2 yrs... no i mean 2yrs 4mths... it's still such a long way to ORD... *grumble grumble* still only a 1st year soldier now... sad...

just bought a new hp cover yesterdae... black... expected... my old hp cover's screen cracked... ya... and i dunno y it cracked in the 1st place... come to think of it... i think black dun really look tt good with my hp... hack...

met my new OC some time ago... looks like those garang, no-smile-on-the-face type... and the 1st thing tt he did was to give the SOC failures a surprise RT yesterdae...

some sidenote on Ex Wallaby: man... i drove a LOT... managed to chalk up an amazing 330.6 miles or 528.96km and 27.5 engine hours... bite into tt...

discovered tt being a consumer, we really have some good deals out there... problem is u have to find out where... been to chinatown some weeks back... there's a shop selling quality stuff at 3 for $10... souvenirs, sun glasses... quite a lot of good stuff... shop name? 3 for $10... u can't possibly miss it... quite a prominent shop sign i must say... heard from my friend tt there's this shop selling original cds at prices as low as $5+... titles include the latest hits like Stephanie... y it's so cheap? cos it's imported from china... supposed to be only for sale in china...

rain rain rain... tt's wat have been happening lately... sigh... both good and bad for me... if it's rain before the start of an activity then it's good... if not, then it's bad...

was sitting a cab home from my grandma's place yesterday... this newbie cabby's the kinda talkative one... started to rattle off on how tough it was being a taxi driver and the interesting encounters with all sorts of ppl... esp funny when i heard on the part where he told us of his gay customer... kept touching him... mao2 shou3 mao2 jiao3... distracting him from driving... poor cabby... haha...

saw fei1 chang2 tou4 shi4 yan3... were talking about these girl flag day volunteers... they had to do the flagging for 3 months, about 5-7 times a wk, ~8hrs each time... tt's some tough task... kudos to them... ah... tt's not the main point of the show... it talked about the kinda treatment they got from ungracious, no manners Singaporeans... ppl who scolded them, threw their 'donations' onto the floor expecting the volunteers to pick it up, etc etc... just disgusts and irks me to hear tt such ppl exist...
a pretty dumb test and a nice jap ad... courtesy of huishi...

Monday, November 08, 2004

indeed... smth is strangely wrong with my internet browser... somehow some stupid irritating program has changed my home page to the thing is my computer is stubbornly refusing to let me change the home page back to my blog page... tt's still ok with me, but the problem is tt whenever i get to, my com simply hangs and i have to restart my com... this means tt i can't open a new internet browser, but have to find other means to open them... one of which is thru my msn messanger --> hotmail --> intended webpage... from there, having my 1st browser, i can repeat the earlier step to get more browsers or i can press CTL + N...

this is troublesome...
arh!!! finally finished copying the stuff from my notebook onto this blog... u can start reading them from oct 26... might be posting some after-thoughts/further notes at a later time...
yo mates! got back to home sweet home 3 days ago... feels gd to be back here... guess not much has changed in my absence here... other than the new straits times interface, some new gunbound features, a new fan for my room, a surprisingly not-maxed-out inbox... think tt's about all...

was looking through friendster yesterday... discovered tt lynn got into law faculty nus... cool... managed to catch up on my friend's blog posts... ah huh... yanfang's blog seem to be in trouble... keep causing my com to have runtime C++ error... haiyoh... go fix tt problem yanfang! haha... :P

managed to find some time during my stay there to blog a couple of posts... u'll be able to see them when i finish copying them into this bloggy...

Thursday, November 04, 2004

fine weather, cloud cover? not sure... can't be bothered...

back from Rockhampton Fair... a modern, single storeyed complex similar to a decent shopping centre in singapore... things are as usual, expensive... just knew tt i have yet another part-time job: money exchanger... have ben providing the needy singaporean shopaholic with Aussie notes in exchange for SG$ at varying exchange rates... had given out A$161 for S$203... quite surprised at how loosely my fellow mates are spending their bucks... all trying to finish up their Aussie bucks before landing in singapore... it's late now... 2255h... was watching tv whilst blogging... guess i'll continue writing tml... it's time to get to dreamland... *yawn*...
fine weather, can't be bothered to check the cloud cover

blogging from my motel room... have been a few daes since i blogged... tml finally going back to singapore... well and good too... cos the things here are ex and having been overseas for many a times before, i completely agree with the saying tt there's no better place to be than home... a couple of things have been bothering me lately and making this trip less enjoyable than i wish it could have been...

my groin abrasion's back, but luckily enough, it has yet spread to cause more irritation and misery... spent 50 bucks yesterday at this Rockhampton village... bought a cute koala soft toy, a shirt, dozen small koala clips and a desktop clock... think my parents are gonna nag at me for buying those stuff... but hack it... staying at this motel called A1... located at 134 Gladstone Rd, South Rockhampton... a neat place to stay in... was much better than how i thought it would turn out to be... now lazing in my room, making use of the free time before we get down to Capricornia College for lunch and to Rockhampton Fair after tt...

Rockhampton town is a self-sufficient (correct use of word?) town located on the Tropic of Capricorn and self-proclaimed beef capital of australia... cinema, shopping mall (to be exact, Rockhampton Fair), McCafes, KFCs, Subway, schools (including this Central Queensland University, countless motels)... all these can be found in the town... so the town wasn't as undeveloped as i thought it might have been...

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

fine weather, no cloud cover

"Ding!" microwave oven door opens and a dish of chao4 ta1 songluck meepok is dished out... hot ah!!! this stupid weather combined with the hot engine is making my driver compartment so bloody steaming... i wanna get out of this sauna man... just calculated tt i've travelled a whopping 195.1 miles or 312.16km... guess i should be able to chalk up 400km or probably even 450km by the end of this exercise... the heat is killing me... so contary to Day 5, when it was raining cats and dogs like nobody's business for the whole day... flashfloods and thunderstorms... all the wetness u can get... and it didn't help when we realised tt water was still able to leak through the closed hatches... 2 more daes... 2 more daes and i'll be back to Diao camp... hot ah!!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

fine weather, no cloud cover

just reached my 1st deployment ground, some 15.2 miles/24.32km from the field camp... back to Day 1... had actually wanted to do some blogging from the computers available there... but then, haiz... no time... the plane tt i took was SQ8931.. the services provided on the plane was much better than expected, with the standard? SIA inflight entertainment system, games and movies... didn't get to play the games or watch the movies though... it was eat and sleep, sleep and eat for me... well, there's always the return trip to enjoy the services... hehe... reached Rockhampton Airport at 0500hrs on Day 2, Aussie time... quite an experience walking down this stairs from the plane to the aiport ground itself...

1st time not using the bridge link/air bridge? to disembark... or issit the 2nd time? the airport is a small, neat bricky structure, the control tower reminding me of the one at Paya Lebar Airport... lucky, lucky, lucky, the people in front of me helped me to fill up the space allocated for the emptying of stuff from the bags... just some casual questions asked and i'm past customs, preparing to board the coach... waste me time in cleaning up my equipment... !%!^*%*... moving on... heard tt a 2-way trip from the airport to base camp would set the SAF back by A$700... take tt... sure a gd and easy way of earning some bucks...

the base camp got a 3.5/5 rating from me.. not too bad a place to stay in... the rest of Day 2 to Day 4 was basically unpacking/repacking of stores and taking over of vehicles... Day 3 was orientation driving, day and night... the land around here is pretty enjoyable to drive on as a whole... but when the land gets dark, the road starts to get less distinguishable from the short grass on its sides... sidenote: the vehicle tt i took over was in a pleasantly good enough condition and driving it was great... oh yar... did i mention tt SFI followed us from singapore to australia? omg! so si3 can2 lan4 da3...

Day 4, 20/10... moved out from camp and started our 1st outfield... had my 1st long drive, an unbelievable 29.9 miles or 47.84km... wow! wondered how i managed to survive through tt night drive... Days 5-9, 21/10-24/10 rounded up the outfield... very happy to be able to catch sight of a group of ~7 kangaroos lazing ard... managed to see some more kangaroos, a joey and an emu on later separate days... to be able to see animal life in their natural environment and up close... cool... now just trying to see if i'm lucky enough to locate a wallaby... oh... hmmm... realised tt i've jusst used up 7 pages of my new notebook to write down these stuff so tt i can blog them when i reach back home...

Day 9 saw us arriving at Diao camp, an open patch in the outback, with makeshift shower and shitting facilities... i give tt place a 2.5/5.. shithole was a ~8m deep hole where u see yr shit seemingly fall into a black hole... :p... gross? haha... it's a 4/5 toilet (bush toilet to be exact) on Day 9 and a 3/5 toilet on Day 10, as more er hmmm... human waste? start to pile up and generate more fragrance... Day 10 was service and maintainance, mainly catered for the vehicles... lucky only 1 of our vehicles in my platoon broke down...

seems quite a serious case to me... heard tt it's only coming back to action tml... and finally Day 11!, which is todae... set out for the BPT early in the morn... looks like Day 1 of the BPT is gonna be a slack one... heard yesterdae tt we'll be getting an additional dae of R&R... woohoo!!! shiok! guess the main tough things are gonna end after this BPT, so really looking forward to Day 14, 29/10, when we get back to Diao camp to relac... and get a gd bath too...
fine weather, 50% cloud cover

have been in the australian outback for quite some time already... generally much better than the outfields tt we have in singapore, less for the fact tt the afternoon sun is terribly scorching hot... so hot tt i guess tt's wat caused my testicular abrasion (hmmm... sounds a little crude... but yah... tt's wat happened...)... the coverall tt i was wearing must have contributed to giving me tt annoyance... think i'm more or less recovered from tt abrasion... good... cause i guess u won't be able to really understand the situation tt i was in unless u've been through it yrself before...

when i had the abrasion, it took me a jolly miserable 15mins just to walk to the peeing point and back... really horrible abrasion... well, enough of tt... got to make good use of the free time tt i have... pretty much sure tt little sleep, hunger and thirst are going to accompany me for the next few daes... not tt they dun provide us with water and food... it's tt there aint much time at times to eat and drink up... we're pretty much on the move very often... now just wishing tt i can just get through the next few daes of Battalion Proficiency Test (BPT) peacefully and tt i dun have to break track in the middle of the road, under the sun...

maybe i should start to tell u wat happened since Day 1, from the moment i reached Changi Airport... so there was Day 1... my family sent me off tt dae... should have gone into the departure hall earlier (not sure if i called the place correctly... it's whree u find those DFS shops and boarding gates after clearing the customs... looks like i gotta move soon... will be continuing this entry later...

Friday, October 15, 2004

the post tt i was working on is now completed and can be viewed under saturday, october 9...
was packing the stuff tt i had to bring to aus during the last few daes... really kn**c**... made me so fed up... so they want our stuff to be clean... freaking clean... black (read: charcoal black) boot sole, mud & sand & plant & oil-free equipment... scared tt we would introduce new? bacteria and fungus and who noes wat f shit to their land and cause the bio-ecosystem to have diarrhoea... unbelievable...

so there was this inspection yesterdae... had to further clean up our equipments tt didn't meet the standard... and my pc was pushing us to finish the job fast so tt he could send us packing... there i was, under the blazing sun, fed-up, irritated, feeling f-ed-up and under nagging to complete my task, i just gave up and bo-ga-lanly threw my webbing into the alibaba bag when it still showed bits and pieces of bluish-whitish corroded metal... so wat? let those guys check it out and say no... no u can't bring this substandard fungal/bacterial carrying stuff into our land...

blah... just throw me the extras and shut up... i dun f-ing care...
know wat? i have a part time job now... i'm a walking directory on board the mrt trains... -.- in the past 2 book ins, i was asked by 3 guys if they were on the right train... the thing was tt 2 of them were elderly ppl who spoke hokkien... (why dialect???) so, with my limited hokkien speaking ability, i managed to solve their problems...

didn't know tt i actually had such a part time job only until recently... smrt should really start paying me for helping them provide such a service... and maybe a medal too: the most approachable walking directory... haha... lamez...

Sunday, October 10, 2004

still couldn't get the previous post tt i was working on to turn out the way i want it to be... maybe will only post it here after my next book out...
was just blogging halfway when i got a call from pok... offered me a lobang tt was very attractive but seemed to be like a pyramid hybrid to me... hmmm... if u are interested, go see a sure make money, OTOT business scheme... cool huh... i'm still trying to find out how this thing goes about...

oh ya, the msg tt i was blogging about halfway should be out tml... tired of continuing... it's time for the z-monster to eat me up... zZz...

Saturday, October 09, 2004

the post tt i have been working on for some time:

had been thinking quite some bit lately... was thinking back on wat i did in the past and pondering on wat i wanna do in the future... my life had been monotonic for quite some time already and the things tt i do lately doesn't seem to be constructive at all (not to imply tt they are destructive)... perhaps it's about time i start to get my perspectives rite again and get things going...

to kick off, let me just see wat i've achieved/done thus far...

-1st in class (came as a surprise to me... expected to do well but to get 1st... well... was happy nevertheless, to have completed one of my childhood dreams...)
-1st in level (a even bigger pleasant surprise to me)
-2 bronze and 1 gold certs for the Singapore Mathematical Olympiad (the gold cert is amongst my most treasured achievements... heard tt it's only given to the top 5% of those who took part in the SMO... :) )
-can't-be-bothered-to-count-how-many certs for new south wales, australian maths, bilingual and science competitions
-Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level 4 (perhaps the biggest surprise here... didn't had much confidence in passing the test)

-climbed a mountain 5000+ft high (memorable experience... esp to view the 1st few streams of sunlight at the summit with the person i like standing near me...)
-joined OAC (physically demanding cca)
-ran 15km (gonna run 21km in next year's AHM)
-went for night cycling

-learned how to cycle (proud to say tt i learnt it in just 2 hrs... hehe... 1 hr to get the bike going straight, 1 hr to get it to negotiate turns... now able to cycle with just either of my hands... still trying to learn to cycle with both hands free... one of my childhood dream completed too...)
-became a prefect (another childhood dream... liked the feeling of being a prefect...)
-got 2 trophies (small trophies though but nevertheless... both were from running competitions... wished tt i had one of those nice stuff when i was young... thought they looked good on the shelf...)
-got a plaque (from being the 1st in level...)
-got a medal (from tt volleyball competition in sec school... kinda jokez... cos i remember playing only 1 game... also thought tt medals looked gd on the shelf...)
-done many hours of CIP
-taught tuition
-learnt how to drive a military vehicle
-took part in SYF as an usher
-took part in NDP04 as a member of the marching contingent
-had my group's article published in the Straits Times Forum section (could still remember the moment when Mr Han broke the news to me, yixiang and lin hai)
-became one of the first few person to speak at my sec school's speaker's corner (thought tt the idea was a gd one... but sad to see it degenerate into nothingness...)

i think there are some stuff tt i've left out... but the main thing tt went through my mind was tt my life experiences thus far is quite varied (at least in my own opinion)... i've done quite a number of things... been there, done tt... now to see what are the things tt i want to do in my future...

-be finally able to swim 1 length of the swimming pool (learning how to swim was one of my childhood goals)
-take part in another NDP parade (should be able to be realised next year, when there is the mobile column)
-learn dialects (sad to say tt the dialect i'm most proficient in is not my own dialect... primarily wanted to learn hakka because i want to understand my roots better... learning dialects would help in CIP too... esp when it involves the elderly)
-learn how to drive a civilian vehicle
-revise my jap and take JLPT level 3? and learn another language, prob malay (quite diff i guess, if i wanna further my jap... cos the environment is not there...)
-be a teacher (inspired by my teachers in how they inspired us)
-do volunteer work out of singapore for at least 6 months (inspired by my cousin ms lee... bra noes who... she went to nepal to do volunteer work for quite a long period of time...)
-climb another mountain? (can still remember how tiring such a thing can be... but i guess it would be nice to do it again)
-try parachuting
-find tt special person
finally got my dysfunctional chatterbox and counter back into action... so the previous chatterbox was not used and it closed down... but wat about the previous web counter? wonder wat went wrong there... (courtesy of yanfang)
some stupid 'scary' stuff tt u probably watched b4...

Friday, October 08, 2004

hohoho... so who's back from ROC? yeah, it's tt tty... and next wk it's gonna be my turn... ARHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! terrible ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! headache ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! outfield ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! :(

so stupid... they onli gave us the packing list last fri... and the list wasn't really meant for us one some more... sianz...

just pray tt my vehicle doesn't fail me k... can call me suay... i'm the guinea pig to help test the rd conditions for the other drivers behind me... -_-'''

went to search up on the training area there... so here's some pics for ya all...

hmmm... seems like i could onli find a picture... well...

oh ya... the place's called Shoalwater Bay... claims to be the best military training ground in the world...
HELLOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! yeah, i'm back on the blogging screen... let's see let's see... started to keep this little msg note in my hp to remind me of the interesting things tt's happening ard me... yeah... 1st up...

increasingly noticed tt there are actually quite a number of female gamers... in my case, or more specifically wat i'm talking about, is female gunbounders... Ooooooooo... saw this gb couple on the mrt the other dae... hmmm... i guess it's gd to have this kinda shared interest among couples... have more topics to talk about in their conversations...

so last last wk was the battalion full troupe... had my 1st experience of wat it's like to have a longer-than-1-dae outfield... terrible... i mean the mosquito bites... there was this nite tt they drove me nuts... real nuts... felt the men1 qi4 inside me almost exploding out...

last sun was mortar live firing... cool... finally managed to see how the actual mortar bomb looks like and the power of it's impact... just starting to imagine wat the 60 bomb nuke would look like... POWER...

the following dae was the cs smoke training... ouch... got a glimspe of wat bra's job is like... i pity him man... so how was the training? felt the burning sensation caused by the combusted cs pellets... but generally ok... nothing much... it was only a short period of discomfort...

Monday, September 27, 2004

enjoying my off in lieu todae... trying to make the best of it (or at least i'm trying to...)... guess it's just the usual story... guy friends are in army, girl friends are in uni, i'm alone in home, in front of the computer, crapping again... -.-

xinyi was msg-ing me the other dae, asking me to organise a class outing... wonder if i'll do tt anithime soon... most likely not... cos ya noe... the response is always bad... but nah, tt's not the main point... i'm going to wallaby soon and need to start preparing my stuff... anyway, next weekend is burnt in my case... cos gonna have mortar live firing... Ooooooooo...

it's sorta like a once-in-a-lifetime thingy... dun think will get any other chance to fire... sianz... todae book in and tml is outfield liao... and a long outfield too... hope it's a slack one... :p

next week looks to be a slack one, lest for the dae tt i'll be crying myself over in the smoke chamber... bleh...

Saturday, September 18, 2004

so... last week wasn't my week... well guess wat? this week still aint my week... getting mored vexed and irritated by the activites happening around me... dun in the least think tt next week would be any better, from the look of wat's in the schedule for next week...

wat would have been just normal, tolerable nagging and irritation now just made me so pissed out tt it might just be time b4 i start to scream at those ppl causing all these nuisance...

sianz......... now there's this small financial mess tt i got myself into... talked about it in the previous posts b4... withdrawing quite some amount of money within a short period of time and not b4 long, all would be spent finish... gonna start digging out my book of accounts and continue keeping track of where all my $$$ go...

was just thinking how i would be surviving through the coporate world... quite often, i feel tt life is so boring... or maybe tt's because i'm in singapore... nah... maybe not...

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Lo and behold! The legendary Mtzang who retired from the blogging scene sometime ago has resurfaced!


Aiyah, going to ROC aka Taiwan for training. Before I go, being the sentimental person that I am, I'm going to make a little post.

Departing tommorrow morning at 0330, I'll only be back on 071004 @0130~ which means I'll be there for a horrifying 3 weeks, save for the last 3 days of R&R. Hope I can go to Taipei because according to my instructors, the other destination, Gaoxiong, is freaking boring. When I'm back, I'll have 4 days free... I am really looking forward to that. Hope by then I'd be able to meet the people I want to.

Sigh... leaving soon... about 3+ hours more before I set off to the airport. I am really apprehensive about the trip... I'm going to miss alot of people and things... like my home, my computer, target of my affection etc.. but who will miss me.. my grandmother... confirm, my parents.. anyone else?


NS. I wonder how life would be like after I graduate from the course, if I ever do. Wonder how life would be after NS. Wonder what uni life would be like. I really hope to stay in Singapore to further my studies. Not to some faraway land away from my friends, my family and my home, even if I am presented with the opportunity. I am a patriotic Singaporean who stays true to his roots. Nothing can uproot me because patriotism is binding me to this land I call my home. NS certainly has infuse a sense of belonging in me... right.. why am I typing so much crap... you can tell that the countless thoughts are swirling around in my mind. The trip is really driving me crazy.

Goodbye! See you guys much later. =/

Sunday, September 12, 2004

guess i should have blogged 1st b4 i went on to do the commanders' appraisal... it's like i've been thinking of wat to type for dunnoe how long liao... i mean for the commanders' appraisal tt is... now i've got to think of wat to type for this...

yeah... it just wasn't quite the week for me... but i think tt some of those unpleasant stuff aren't really appropriate to post here... had an outfield last thurs... made a quite a few blunders... sian... then there was my VC (vehicle commander) who didn't help things out by making more negative comments than positive ones on my detachment's performance...

well, think i'm really gonna blog fortnightly or even longer... seriously running out of things to type...

got to break out of this monotonic lifestyle!!! :( maybe should start chio-ing girls to go out...

Sunday, September 05, 2004

so i haven blogged for 2 wks liao... i guess i might have more things to type if i blog fortnightly instead... it's not like something exciting pops along every week for me to blog about... dunnoe... *shrugs*

coooooooool~~~ so it's gonna be a 5 day work week huh? first there was the NSF duration reduction and now the 5 day work week... well, it couldn't really get any better ey? but tt means tt the currently already packed schedule would just be more sandwiched... bleh...

had my range 2 wks ago... ATP... short form for Advanced Trainfire Package... wasn't easy at all to get a marksman... there was this run down some more... tiring shia... anyway, something quite unexpected happened during the range... heard the story from someone else... cos i had by then returned to camp (amongst the 1st wave of ppl to go back cos we passed the ATP)... there was this guy who appearantly had a bout of depression in the midst of firing at night... ooo... now tt's a dangerous thing to have happened...

heard tt he was firing halfway when he had an IA... for those not in the know, it just basically mean tt the rifle can't fire cos of some reasons... guess tt made him too stressed up and he started to break down... seemed tt he took out his bayonet from his scabbard some more... wonder what he was going to do with it... anyway, nothing was left to chance and the commanders promptly got hold of him... not sure if he's still at the medical center now... probably not... maybe sent to the newly built SAF medical facility...

2 of my platoon mates r irritating me more than ever now... 1 of them just always seem to ask stupid questions... he was just questioning on his usefulness as a signaller... is he only worth drawing out/ returning/ screwing/ unsrewing the signal set? omg... then am i only worth driving the troopers ard? -.- piangz... now come to think of it, he had a tinge of erwin in him... wat i mean is self-doubt...

the other one is the greater pisser... i would like to call him a sexual harasser... he constantly likes to touch ppl... now tt's not much of a problem lest for the fact tt he does it in a slightly girlish and qing1 tiao1... was really pissed off some time ago and threatened to take action... he then only shou1 lian3... but it seemed like its all coming back again... doesn't take my words of threaten seriously most of the time... i just pray tt he noes his limits and not blow me up... i haven blown up in a long long time... he better not be the 1st one to make me explode after all this while...

Friday, September 03, 2004

saw this post on friendster... quite spooky...

At the end of this, you are
asked a
Answer it immediately. Don't stop and think
it. Just say the first thing that pops into your
Fun Test... This is kind of spooky! If you do not
believe this, pass it around and you'll see.

Be sure to put in the subject line if you are
the 98% or the 2% and send to everyone,
including the person that sent it to you.

Amazing test... just follow the instructions as
quickly as possible. Do not go to the next
calculation before you have finished the
one. You do not need to write or remember the
answers, just do it using your mind.

You'll be surprised.


How much is . . :

15 + 6

3 + 56

89 + 2

12 + 53

75 + 26

25 + 52

63 + 32

I know Calculations are hard work, but it's nearly
over. Come on, one more..

123 + 5


Scroll further to the bottom..

A bit more...

You just thought about a red hammer, didn't

If this is not your answer, you are among 2% of
people who have a different, if not abnormal,
mind. 98% of the folks would answer a red
hammer while doing this exercise. If you do not
believe this, pass it around and you'll see.

i was among the 2%... was thinking of a blue hammer... didn't noe y i was thinking of a hammer... strange...

Sunday, August 22, 2004

hohoho! my blog is finally 1 year old! seemed like i have blogged for eons already though... feel like i have been having a bout of blogstipation for the past few weeks... nothing really interesting to blog about... haiz... guess it might have to do with my near 0 social life...

contemplating on moving my blog to livejournal... still exploring the features tt the website has...

read ju-zi's blog... she's been blogging pretty intensely after she got into SMU... keeps talking about uni life... haha... looks like uni is gonna be an exciting experience... and nothing short of being an expensive experience too...

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

been able to nua at home for the past few daes... enjoying my off... not really enjoying la... it's no fun when u spend yr civilian time alone... sux... :( i guess my friend's remark (to be exact, it's Mr S.H.E.) was rite... come into army and yr social life suffers... well, maybe it doesn't really apply to those clubbers... my social life now is like no life, esp with the girls... haven met any of my girl friends (dun misinterpret it intentionally...) for a long time liao... at the most, i get to go out with tty and bra... ah!!!!!!!!! i need a life!!!!!!!!! lol...
NDP'05: Mobile Column!!!

wonder if i'll get to drive my vehicle next year... but i guess 1 things is for sure... i'll be taking part in next year's birthdae bash... the mobile column should be going through some of the neighbourhoods i guess... just like previous years...
NDP'04: Reflections

a stunt tt dropped from the sky upon me... knew then tt many wkends will get burned and prob nv returned... but it was exciting, i mean y not? to be in the marching contingent... even if u r a regular, i dun think u'll get to be in the marching contingents for many times... it was a rare oppotunity... fortunately or unfortunately, we didn't get to be the GOH... i can still remember wat happened when i was in the GOH for my sec school tt time...

the drills and performances weren't tt gd then... still pretty much like an unpolished gem... but the weeks went past and drills became sharper, performances more colourful and co-ordinated...

i must say i have a liking for mass displays, having myself took part in some of them during my NCC daes on SAF dae... to see the individuals putting in their effort and the final result tt follows... it gives me a sense of happiness and an impulse to be part of the performance...

the choir in particular, grew from strength to strength and it was a joy watching them rehearse in the indoor stadium while we were taking our breaks...

the whole process of ndp was quite an enjoyable ride... got the chance to see 60 000+ singaporeans gathered together to celebrate our nation's birthdae and seeing the whole stadium taking on a coat of red... also got to get a glance of our nation's leaders, esp SM Lee himself and PM Goh...

managed to catch the show segment on our way back to camp... watched the TV mobile... the one thing tt i thought was pretty prominent was the bad lighting (in my opinion)... the contrast between the performers' costumes and the lighting was just unimpressive... :p

well, we were lucky enough to get to catch the fireworks while our bus was going down kallang rd... reminded me of the fireworks tt i saw at disneyland... except tt this was nicer... quite a lot of ppl were standing in the stadium's vicinity i noted... A LOT... from outside the indoor stadium to the kallang mrt station, there were ppl everywhere...

and so NDP'04 came to an end... and it's on to NDP'05!!!
b4 i actually start blogging about my reflections on this year's NDP and wat's up for next yr's, i just realised tt not much is left of my teenage years... haiz... to be exact, there's just slightly less than 5 months, or 21 wks, or 149 days, or 3568 hours, or 214 120 mins, or 12 847 200 sec b4 i hit the twenties...

Monday, August 02, 2004

72 pages, 26 070 words, 118 880 characters (no spaces), 145 454 characters (with spaces), 317 paragraphs, 2381 lines of blogging, 214 posts, 2036 visitors and continuing...
hmmm... last week things really got pretty bad... the sergeants gave us a tahan session disguised as a stand-by-bed... tempers started to flare as we tried to standardise the stuff in our cupboards... one chair got kicked real hard by this guy and it broke into a couple of pieces... heard tt one of the piece even flew out of the window... in the other bunk, the ic started to blow his top and kicked the table in anger, almost sparking off a fight with another bunkmate... haiz...

so 2 daes ago was the NDP preview... blah... can't think of any new to write about...

Sunday, July 25, 2004

so in the end, it was just tt i didn't get the sling in the first place... and not tt i had lost it... heng ah...

just when i thought tt the sergeant-men relationship was beginning to improve slowly, things started to go wrong again... yi bo wei ping, yi bo you qi... haiz... there's little trust between us now... sad...

well, dun really feel like talking about tt in too much depth... on to something more light-hearted... next sat is the NDP preview!!! yeah!!! finally, this whole thing is gonna end... soon tt is... got to remember to ask my parents to tape down the actual NDP show... then can see how the whole show actually look like...

at last we're going to begin running the SOC this week... AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! after so many weeks of nua-ing, how can they expect us to pass??? mon's the soc trial and wed's the actual soc test... and there's a PT training on tues some more... sian...

i wonder who bothers to come and read my monologues... maybe only tty and bra...

Sunday, July 18, 2004

bad bad bad... my finances have subconsiously gone out of hand lately... just realised tt i had drawn out 300 bucks from my bank account in a 36 dae span... where did all the money go? good question... i'm not really tt sure... let's see...
i still have $29 left... so tt means i spent $271 in 36 daes...
$52 went into buying manga, $39.10 taxi fare, $35.40 army stuff, $25.50 movies, $25 jap restaurant on brandon's b'dae, $20.20 seoul garden platoon lunch, $20 EZ link top-up, $16 barber, $12 AHM charity pledge card, $11.20 pool and LAN, $6.50 canteen breaks, $8.10 miscellaneous...
ah!!! spend so much money... wat the hell............
man... do i hate it when my com hangs when i'm in the midst of blogging... but luckily, i had only typed 2 sentences when it happened...
wow... so the blogger user interface has changed again... cool... now can change the time and date of the post some more...
well, the last 24hrs hadn't been exactly good for me... the 1st thing tt happened was tt i didn't bring the new parade sling to the NDP parade... new parade sling? *blink blink* did i get it in the first place? most prob yes... but then where the hell did i put it? i dun remember seeing it in my cupboard when i left camp in the morn... so, i got scolded in the end for not bringing the sling...
next came the NE show... it was UNBELIEVABLY NOISY... wat else can u expect from 55 000 Pri. 5 students? silence? hmmm... the NE show was definitely more exciting than the previous rehearsals, but i think it would apply more for the performances... in fact, i sorta got a feeling tt i'm starting to get bored about the parade... but of course, it is still much more happening than the SAF dae parade...
the show ended and we went to the indoor stadium to take a rest and wait for the bus to send us back to camp... all was well i thought... then the news broke out... "So... the organisers have gained feedback tt the kids reached home late during the past NE shows... therefore, we have decided to let them go off 1st and you all will have to wait for the buses to come back and fetch you guys" *pulls a long face* this isn't looking good...
"That would mean tt you would reach camp at ard 2330..." 2330!?!?!? wat the heck? so will i be booking out?
"And tt means you will be staying in camp and only be booking out the next morning..." *NNNNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!" -.-""""""
wait wait wait... then the girl guides started to get bored and started self-entertaining themselves... they cheered and did the girly stuff tt they do... oh well...
and then the st. johns joined in... *raises one eyebrow*...
"Woooooooo!!!!!!" wat was tt? kallang wave in the indoor stadium? and so it travelled from the girl guides, st. johns, SCDF, artillery and armour? armour? nah... the rest of the guys were so busy sleeping they couldn't give a damn...
then they started bombing one another...
sometime later, the Boon Layers, motivators and choir came back... so the kallang wave was started all over again... it was quite impressive actually, this time with everyone joining in, especially the GOH... but well, armour continued being the wet blanket and slumbered through it... haha... the ppl got so high doing the kallang wave tt they started throwing things into the air... keys, biscuits, berets, wat-ever-not...
things gradually cooled down... and i thought i can start to get some better quality sleep... blah... the PA crew began to blast away in the loadspeakers in an attempt to ask the crowd in the indoor stadium to lower down the volume... so much for stupidity...
0015h... the bus finally came... 0130h... back to company line and on to our bunks... 0230h... at last!!! i slumped on the bed and went straight into dreamland...
another piss-me-off event... i couldn't find my parade sling!!! ah!!! hope i can find it when i book in tml... if not... it's gonna be bad...
0730h todae... finally booked out... managed to catch a cab right outside the camp... and i thought it would be a straightforward $8 trip down to chua chu kang... wat the hell... i dun noe whether it's the driver kuukuu or wat... he drove straight towards the expressway and it took me some time b4 i asked the driver: "you know tt we want to go to CCK rite?" -.-''' so the driver was a cockanadon... $10.90 was the final price we paid to get to CCK... great...
Wah!!! What a good laugh i had!!!! Just wanted to relief some stress... :P
Want to know what type of stress i had?? Hehe... Oopz.. I think i must have forgotten when i was laughing

Sunday, July 11, 2004

answer for Quiz 4:

2 words: Singapore, kangaroo

Quiz 6: hyt

the most diff quiz to date... 1 of the few combinations of 3 consecutive consonents... and yap... only 1 word found...
yes yes... i noe... i haven blogged in 3 wks... and no no... my blog is not dying out...

hmmm... seems like my memory is pretty short... can't really remember wat happened in this short span of blog absence... let's see...

oh yeah... there was the SAF day parade on 1 july... biggest event on the SAF calender... well, i got to march tt dae, no thanks to those chao4 geng kia who left our inchek with insufficient ppl to march in the contingent...

tt's where the 5 parades in 8 daes came from... 2 NDP parades + 3 SAF day parades... the SAF day was a hell lot of standing still and not moving... for about 1h 45min? if i'm not wrong... well, there was a lot of big shots there on tt day...

all the cheifs... chief of army, navy, air force, defence force... minister of defence mr teo chee hean was there too... did i spell his name correctly? the president was there too... ah... will get to see him again on NDP... closer view of him on NDP some more...

army life started to get worse for us after the sergeants finally decided to tackle our platoon's flagging discipline problem... well, let's just say all the new rules and regulations reminded me of the days i spent in BMTC... haiz... using rank to order us ard... *shakes head*

and guess wat... one of my platoon mate just became a father... oh yeah... u nv read wrongly... would sound like a kinda shock to u huh...

so next wk's navex... for those u who are not in the know, it's navigation or otherwise also known as topography... sian ah... think we're gonna walk like 20+km tt dae... i just pray tt the checkpoints aint diff to find...

upcoming is also the NE show... forgot whether it's on sat or sun... tt dae is gonna be a noisy dae... yeah... all the pri 5 kids would be like shouting, clapping and watever not... hope we wun disappoint them with our performance next wk...

i guess tt's all for this week... it's getting rather late... hmmm... quite surprised by my typing speed... maybe should try out 1 day, see how many words i can type in 1 min... so tt's all folks... see ya next wk? hopefully... civilian time is rather pathetic nowadays...

Sunday, June 20, 2004

answer for Quiz 3:

2 words: complicate, ample

Quiz 5: ueb

2 words found...
the dream dream... had longed to had it for ~4 years... not a very difficult scenario to create in my dream, but somehow it had evaded me for so long... but it came...

wasn't really something tt couldn't happen in real life theoretically... but practically, it wasn't likely... maybe tt's y i had longed for it for so long... maybe u might find it wierd y i would have this dream dream... ... i dun really noe it myself too... perhaps it was some strange stubborness within me...

so i dreamt of her... my left hand gripped her right and the other held on to her waist... i looked into her eyes deeply and we danced a ballroom dance...

the atmosphere wasn't one which was happy... there was a tinge of sadness in it... sad tt i didn't tell her i had i liked her earlier, sad about my present state... just sad...

perhaps the dream came at the right time... it came to end the longing tt i had for her through the past years... it was time to move on... to make the last step out of the depression in the last few years... time to move on...

went to see my friends' blogs and read about wat they did after i last contacted with them... many an interesting thing they have done... something inside me stirred... i knew wat it was... the all so familiar feeling of competitiveness... it's back... i also wanna do something... and to excel in it...
didn't had much of a time last week to blog, so this wk's one would be slightly longer...

was busy maintaining the vehicle last week... pretty tiring job i must say... and it's not over yet... going to clean the vehicles this coming week and even more greasing to do... haiz...

NDP's becoming more exciting as the weeks go by... they've started to throw in more things into the sequence run... for example, there were the 4 songs, GOH inspection, president drive past and i forgot wat... the last sequence run was most exhilarating, seeing the GOH in their No. 1 and everything being executed so gilat-ly...

really could feel tt the dae itself is going to be one hell of an unforgettable experience... the only things tt put mionr negative impacts was tt we had to wear long 4 and not smart 4 as was originally thought... we also had to put on camouflage cream... ah!!!

next rehearsal will be on next sundae... sianz... one whole dae burnt... but heard tt we will hence be booking in only on mon nite... so i guess tt's all right with me...

Friday, June 18, 2004

This week's Thursday was the hell day of the week..... Why? Cos everyone is going thru the 1st training phase of the Combat Endurance Test(CET) which is the final test that every single trainees have to pass in order to deserve the harzard pay and the prestigious unit badge... The CET sounds quite easy to me: Wearing MOPP4 (a type of protective posture which consists of the mask with canister and, the green camouflage thick cotton suit with gloves) and go for a route march of 3.7km, den come back to take a 30min simple aptitude test, followed by a mask run of 2 km. The running part is just wif the mask on and PT attire.. Hmmm... i tot 3.7km is quite a short dist marching route to me cos i had marched 24km in BMT..But i was wrong.. TOTALLY WRONG!!!!!!! So wrong that it could have cost me my life...

The weather that day was quite hot and humid... Quite a bad weather for me to wear that suit.. But oh well, 3.7km is quite a short dist, should be able to take the heat built up within, i tot to myself....

Then a long siren sounded... I and my fellow company mates quickly masked on and went on to put on the hood and gloves... At that point of time, i could feel the heat building up very fast, like an oven... I told myself not to think too much and started marching off... It was only abt a minute when i just stepped out of the gate, i felt like taking off the mask and give up the training... But i told myself, WHAT? GIVE UP AFTER WALKING A FEW STEPS??? ARE U THAT WEAK??!!! Hence i went on..

The sun became hotter, shining unrelentingly on the whole company.... The temp within me kept on going up.,.. I felt like dying,.... The caister which is a new one seemed to clogged up, making my breathing very difficult.. The mask strap felt like tightening against my head, giving me frustrating headaches and dizziness.. I fought very hard to keep in pace with my platoon... I told myself: GO ON!!!!!!!!!!!

As i marched, i started to sweat profusely. The sweat kept dripping out from the outlet of my mask as if a water tap went malfunctioned... Sweat started to fill up my rubber gloves until they became so heavy for me to even lift my arm... I COULDNT STAND IT!!!!!!!!!! I felt like ripping off my mask!!!!! I clenched my fist and ground my teeth to endure this suffering... Suddenly i felt that my both hands are like on fire or have been badly scalded by boiling water ... Cos the hot sweat and heat dissipated from the clenching of my fist could not escape, instead it builts up more on the heat which is almost killing me!!!!!!!!

Now i am at the turning point of the marching route and heading back to camp... My Platoon Commander shouted:"We are now on the way back!!!! ENDURE!!"

Now at this moment, the sun's rays are more scorching and enervating.... I felt like i am in the burning fires of HELL....Every step i take brings me so much agony, pain, misery and suffering... It is such a chore for me to keep pushing myself to complete the training.... It is so pressurising that my hair could just turn white on the spot.. it is even more painful and discouraging to see that 3 of my platoon mates could not take it and fell out of it finally.. I could hear a voice in my mind whispering: "Why endure? Give up!!! take off the mask!!! Ur friends have given up, so why continue?" I badly wanted to... Den suddenly flashes of the badge, the 300 dollar hazard pay( i will be getting that pay if i pass this test), the tough training and the nonsensical punishment given by my commanders went across my mind... I asked myself:"WHY GIVE UP??!!! I HAVE ENDURED SO MUCH HARDSHIPS, TOLERATED SO MUCH NONSENSE FROM MY COMMANDERS, PERSERVERED THRU NUMEROUS RIGOROUS TRAINING FOR 3 MONTHS PLUS & NOW I WANT TO GIVE UP WHEN MY TRAINING WILL BE ENDING IN 3 WEEKS TIME!??? WHAT ABT THE BADGE AND THE MONEY THAT I HAVE BEEN FIGHTING FOR??! I STAYED ON IN THIS UNIT FOR THESE 2 THINGS... IF NOT, I WOULD HAVE REQUESTED FOR A TRANSFER.. GIVE UP? NO!!!!! NEVER!!!!!! "

Now i am on the last part of the route march... I am reaching the camp soon... good... all will be over soon... I walked, walked, walked, forcing my exhausted legs to carry me on.. I forced myself awake and sober for i can feel the lack of oxygen in my brain, making me very giddy, making me walking zig zag like some drunkard.

AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!! Why am i still not reaching the camp? This road that i am walking on is the normal short running route i took during my running exercises.. Now yet it look so interminable to me... sapping my mental strength away...

FINALLY, i reached the camp.. The commanders announced the end of the training... PHEW!!!!!!! I quickly took off the mask and took in a deep breathe... HA!!!!! Never did i knew that fresh air smells so good.. Den i slumbed onto the ground, totally tired and 'crumpled'.. I closed my eyes to rest... the commotion around me became an instant oblivious.. I tot to myself: i have totally underestimated this toughness of the training.... Now is just the beginning of the training and yet i almost couldnt take it, how am i going to pass the test and earned what i truly deserved? I dunno, i just really dunno.... I stared blankly at my friends wearing a shagged out face.... Just too tired to think....

Sunday, June 06, 2004

answer for Quiz 2:

6 words: prior, warrior, interior, exterior, superior, inferior

and now for this week's quiz:

Quiz 4: nga

2 words found...

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

guess quite a no. of u ppl out there are just too lazy to crack yr brains eh? aniway, gonna start putting down the no. of words tt i've found for a particular set of letters... so from there, u could perhaps guage the difficulty level for the particular quiz...

this wk's quiz:

Quiz 3: mpl

2 words found so far for this quiz...

and the answer for Quiz 1:

5 words: highly, roughly, thoroughly, highlight, highlander

for Quiz 2, i've found 6 words so far... couldn't be bothered to find more cos i found out tt it was just TOO easy...
burn burn away ah... burn away my weekends! burn away my admin time! had ndp rehearsal at khatib camp last thurs, weekly ndp rehearsal at kallang on sat, live firing on sun, practical test for my OM course on mon, beret presentation parade rehearsal on tues aka yesterdae...

zzz... the last wkend was lamez... booked out at ~2000 after the ndp thingy and had to book in the next dae at 0900?!?!?! well, tt's not the main point... we only started firing at 1630 and returned back to my bed in the bunk at 2300... the no. of rounds we fired? 10... wow...

so tml's the actual beret presentation parade and there's gonna be a drive past... guess wat? i'm driving... hoho... it's going to be a nice experience i believe... can help to prep me for the actual mobile column for ndp next year... cool...

this week's just gonna be burned as badly... booked out only at 2000 yesterday... well, there's supposed to be a battalion long weekend for us after the parade... but sianz... kanna sai-kang duty for saf dae parade on fri... so only will have nitez out tml... and sat's gonna go for the ndp rehearsal as usual...

oh ya, just a side track... managed to saw the paratroopers paratrooping last sat... wow!

back to the main discussion... so i'll be booking out at most likely 2000 again and enjoy a shortened long wkend... well, wth? shortened long wkend? -.-''' will be booking back in on mon nite...

Sunday, May 23, 2004

received the Stun of the Year on monday... i'm in NDP 2004 marching contingent... Ahhh!!! OMG!!! and my contingent is so near to the president too... just behind the guard of honours (GOH)... and er hmmm... i'm in the 1st row of my contingent... -.-''' tentatively though... at least tt's wat i think...

Ah!!! i won't be just marching on the day itself... will also be doing some transformation drills... :( gonna burn a lot of my wkends... so sad too... will be going back to camp sorta immediately after our section ends... so dun get to see the exciting events after tt...

sianz... my next wkend is burnt... cos having RSM parade and live firing... :(

aniway, thought might want to give u all some more time to figure out last wk's quiz... b4 i give u the answer on my next post, here's the quiz for this wk...

Quiz 2: ior

should be easier to figure out than last wk's one... just realised tt last wk's quiz wasn't really tt easy after all... but hey... dun stop working yr brain cells in solving it...

Sunday, May 16, 2004

The vehicle tt i'm driving... looks sorta like this... well, more or less...
to stop this blog from becoming more and more like a monologue, i decided to add a quiz every wk... well, it goes like this... let's say i give this 3 consecutive letters: emb

then u have to give me words which contain these combination of letters... one such answer can be: m(emb)er

get it?

so here goes... the 3 letters for this wk is...

Quiz 1: ghl

would say tt this combi is not tt diff... want the answer? wait for next wk's post!
yo... so it's time again for me to talk about the wk's happenings... started on another course... the Operator-Maintainer course... or in short OM course... learned much more about the vehicle and how to maintain and service it...

and the unit conducting this course is OETI, shortform for Only Eat Tuang and Idle... well, tt sorta summarised how the course ran...

slack ah... now have so little mandatory exercises... most of the time we have to have OTOT in the nite... for those of you who dunnoe... it means Own Time Own Target... ya... so ran with my mortar mates for a run round the camp... wah... didn't noe the camp was so freakingly big...

and this driver buddy of mine soooo PT mad... every free time i'll see him doing push-ups... one day can easily do about 200+... siao...

it's 90%+ of the time slacking as usual... so started to decorate my notebook with my own art pieces... haha...

on to games... returned to playing LOD during last wk's long wkend... now stuck at the ancients... still cracking my head as to how to beat them... so diff to kill them...

sianz... y is the civilian time given to us soooo short??? zzz... every wkend just go see 1 movie and ard half a day is gone...

Saturday, May 08, 2004

Back from the terrible smoke chamber in Seletar Camp....... I shall now elaborate on the things that i actually did on that day
I and my platoon mates have to go thru 3 tormenting rounds in the smoke chamber.

First round: Went in with the complete suit and mask on. Den did head rotation, shoulder rotation and jumping jacks in there. After which, we were aksed to take off the mask to get in contact with the smoke. I tot tat the moment i took off the mask, i would be in tears. However, it turned otherwise. I was quite surprised that my eyes were okay but the smell was quite horrible. Den the instructors told me to walk to the exit. Before i reached the exit, my eyes were suddenly overwhelmed by a very sharp pain, my nose were like stuffed with wasabi and my face were like smeared with chili... What the heck!!! Now did i realise that the effects are delayed-acting not immediate... OuCH!!!

Second round: Went in without the mask... The moment i stepped into the room, i had to shout: "Gas! GAs! Gas!" and closed my eyes, stopped my breathing, and reached for the mask in my mask carriage bag(strapped at my left thigh). Cos i could not see, i tried putting on the mask the wrong way!!!! Luckily the instructors helped me to invert the mask back and i managed to put it on myself. Actually i am supposed to put on the mask in 9 seconds, but ... oh well... After the mask was on, i could feel a burning sensation on my face cos i took too long to mask on jus now. AFter which, i started carrying out the different drills (eating drill, drinking drill, immediate decontamination drill, blah blah blah) This round lasted for abt 25 min or so.. I almost died of heat cos the whole room has no ventilation at all!!!!!

Third round(The Hell Round): Went inside with the mask on. This time i had to carry out the canister-change drill. No kick man... Did it quite well.. Den the last event: TAke off the mask and OPEN my eyes and BREAAAAATHE... DEn, say out my rank, name (spelled out somemore) and NRIC no... AGain i did not feel anything even after i finished everything... The moment my legs start to move, the pain came back again and i was like "WAH LAN EH!!!!!!" This time the pain is worse cos i exposed my face for a longer time compared to the first round. When i got out of the room, my tears started to flow and my nose were running........ I clenched my fist very hard to endure that extremely stinging sensation... AT last!!!! After a while, the pain subsided and i felt a great sense of relief, WHOO!!!! My Cs smoke training has ended!!!!!!!

Friday, May 07, 2004

woohoohoo!!! looong weekend... *pops off bottle cap of coke (no champange thank you... i'm songluck mee pohz...)* in celebration of last year's good results ie. 46SAR getting best armour unit, we got to book out since yesterdae nite... yeah!!!

tml's gonna be spent on the sunny island sentosa... armour family dae... sure gonna be sardined... heard tt it's going to be more than 5000 ppl there...

think i should seriously start looking at other ppl's blogs... i've started to bore myself out with my wordings... esp those ppl's blogs tt i put in the blogs drop down menu... maybe for a starter, i can post some pics... but wat pics leh? *scratches my botak head*

ah!!! i'm so out of touch with wat's going on on this bluey planet... ah!!!

so funny... received a letter from nus offering me sci and eee course... qi2 guai4 tt i can get into sci course with my results... *raise eyebrow*

... starting to get my weekly dose of blogstipation... will be back with more crap after i clear it with bao3 ji1 yuan2...